#url=https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.04423: arxiv url
&page=1: starts at page 1
&cdata=...: compressed data in URI friendly format
<) / right (
>) rendered over the pdf. You can also change the value (
page) in the URL and reload.
#), no servers involved.
&alpha=0.3: controls the alpha (transparency), defaults to 0.3.
&delay=300: controls the amount of time (ms) you touch down (touchscreens only) to start a new rectangle, defaults to 300.
&search=false: enable/disable searchable text (mobile browsers seem to struggle with the big svg generated).
#url=test.pdf: you can also access files from your local server.
&cdata=...&cdata=...&cdata=...: annotations created individually can be fused together by pasting multiple
cdatafields on the same URL.